Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Please God , Look at me!
I'm sorry for being sinner,
i tried to be a good person but you know i'm not an angel.
Maybe everything i've done is not good enough yet... but you know i'm trying...
Things i dont understand,..everytime i ask and pray to You,
seemslike You're joking with my life..............
I ask an apple , an apple You gave me but a worm with in.
You know i only ask simple request, but why it never happens to me?
Am i that bad in Your great eyes?
i just wanna make my parents happy and proud of me.
Things never easy for me yet you don't help!
I'M very very Sorry , that i complain about Your authority , Your greatness
i just tell You what i feel ,
That's all
Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010
Nice Weekend
we just had lunch at Dapur Alam restaurant, and talked many things. i thought we just spent not longer that one hour, as i know he's such busy man.
But we're talking cheerfully, well actually he talked more than me, and seem we discuss about my future and on and on till three hours or more.
At the time his radiant shine on me,
in odd way i adore him, his such an angel, he makes me cry, but he always be my guardian in his way , and for this i think i would do anything for him.
For this God will curse me.
So This Hole,Better or Worst!??
Things, from my new job environment are shocking me. Well, it's been two months i've been there but the other staff/ employee they rush to get out finding new places. What the hell is going on???? Did i got the wrong places again, hopely not, but they're reaction and story really intimidated me.
I haven't finished my probition yet, and i haven't known many things either.
But their story that based on their experience quite makes me worries of my future in this place.
Lately, i feel lil bit closer to God, yes i pray a lot, coz, i really need His protection,
Doing sales and marketing (marketing not yet) is fantastic, i'd love to learn new thing specially this stuff, as i planned before. But still i make mistakes, (maybe 'coz i'm the type of person who learns from making mistake?? I guess!!
Anyway, i pray for God to make me improved day by day so i can prove to them, that Yes! I Can! So i can feel days pass me fast and i will move forward.!
Senin, 21 Juni 2010
you are my vitamin C
when i said that i would decide to move out of Bali he's sooo sad (this is really surprising me , since i told him so just because i wanna see his reaction. Seeing him speachless for a minute and his sad mimic is just shocking me, and makes me sad with him too, though i am the creator of this drama). The thing i've worried about for all this time has come true. He's come too deep and thats not rite. the worst thing is i still cannot be separated with him, i still need him like vitamin C i always consume for my body. i dont know when i will be free from his influence, maybe i'll never will.
New Job
somehow i forgot that i have responsibility to always update my blog. things are going on so fast , so confusing for me rite now. well, actually it's been a month i've been doing as a hotelier. it's not perfect hotel but i guest it's gonna be my place to learn new things about hotel business. i'm taking it as a new leap stone, and to have a leap stone surely you can not just take a five star hotel, you'l be die anyway.
So far so good, thanks again to Allah swt who always protect and cope me wery well.
Oh yeaa, forget to tell, i'm accepted as sales marketing in one of 3star Hotel in Legian, however i have to learn front desk first for a month (they said) before i move to sales marketing ,
No worries , i know me, i still have to learn lot of things, such as MYOH system and product knowledge as well, i've promised to myself to learn those thing wery well (quickly , i hope) and prove to them that they did the right thing to pick me.
My impression for the new environment for all together is..... Fair!!
i dont wanna expect much ,, coz usually high expectation give bad result. (according to personal experience).
Wish me luck everyone.
Rabu, 28 April 2010
Lotta changes
OMG, i've been veeery lazy human being in associated with updating my own blog.
How come, i always have great stories of my life to tell but my mind and my body seems not hand in hand.
so, to up date things in my blog , i'll try to recollect in my mind the best i can and found the big two.
those are such as:
surely about someone's wedding event. honestly i dont really kind of this girl, but i decided to come and i totally dressed up and got make up by a homo salon for the result i loved it so much, my best appearance so far.
Alhamdulillah, thank you God, you have answered my pray, thank you for the chance and opportunity , i'm gonna work at new place for i've been employed at one property in Legian.
Pls, God help me to cope as a freshman in my new environment , help me to find my way to be accepted, and do all the task assigned to me. Amien!!!!
Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
My Bad Desease!
911, Please H.E.L.P!
Am tooooooo Addicted, this is sooooo bad , i can't control my self neither my mind.
Every time i see them , i just can't resist spending money on them.
i always say to myself this is the last time, and never do it again in the near future.
But i can't help it and find myself stucked in the deep hollow of thinking....
meanwhile i'm still collecting , dreaming of .....................................
You know i'm fond of Diana Rikasari (Fashion blogger);s blog , personality and speacially her shoes collection.
my eyes got stucked on one of her boot, i am searching in stores, mall to find them but i can't and buying the less similar instead.
Today i stopped by in her blog as always become my rutinity and she's wearing that boots again.
Lucky me, i find the source where the boots come from , it's Candy Feetish online shop.
The more i love this boots is the price that reachable.
And Yes, i'm planning to order them. Mmuuaach!
Minggu, 24 Januari 2010
Dorong Terrruuuuuuus!!
Jumat, 22 Januari 2010
Yesterday, i had a party again in Accord event, i didn't know the theme as i actually accompanied my colleague. Evenmore it held in KLAPA Restaurant, at Klapa New Kuta Beach Pecatu Indah, owned by Tomy Suharto. Who can resisted that kind offer anyway, you came to one of beautiful and breathtaking resort in Bali, free flow , and meal , and dont forget the doorprize too, though i will never be that lucky. ;-(
Well, i just relized that this place where Ayu soraya and Keket (model & celebrity) started their fight and followed by Keket's famous saying " Who is Andi Soraya? I don't even know her!"
hahahahha..... that chick's fight really sensational for couple of weeks in infotainment.
i realize, if i didn't work in tourism industry especially in Travel agent , there's litle chance ( i dont say never) in life for me to be able to "taste" that 'fab' high class.
i wish i meet my own prince who can take me to be in that kind of life forever. hehehe!
well, who knows.. :-D
Senin, 18 Januari 2010
Kegagalan = Kesuksesan yg tertunda???
Minggu, 17 Januari 2010
Now im focusing on my chest contained of sputum deep within. I 'll take some medicine from my medical box first, i think i still have some black syrup strips.
i hope it won't last long time coz' it will create cough and if get cough that's really bad news since it'll take long time to cure it means i have to see a doctor , something that i try to avoid for all this time, they are expensive , that's for sure. ;-(
Jumat, 08 Januari 2010
Bali Banjir
Enaknya, musim hjan di Bali , hujannya tidak terus menerus dan biasanya hanya dalam satu area yang tidak begitu jauh seperti ketika turun hujan di Tuban atau Kuta di Denpasar terang benderang. jadi meskipun musim hujan jalan- jalan masih tetap bisa dilakukan. Banyak orang bilang karena langit di Kuta sering di laser makanya jarang turun hujan di Kuta.
Saya tidak dapat membayangkan kalau di Bali hujan deras beberapa hari seperti di daerah jawa, wah bisa bisa banjir dimana mana, bahkan lebih buruk dari yang saya lihat di tivi. ini terjadi karena banyak lahan yang sudah berubah menjadi bangunan seperti hotel hotel , kafe dan restaran. jangankan pohon , tanah saja sudah banyak dilapisi beton untuk jalan dan lahan parkir, jadi kalau ada hujan deras sebentar saja langsung menggenangi jalan.
Akhir December 2009 saya bermaksud ke Nusa dua untuk mengambil voucher hotel sebagai Grandprize untuk acara tahun baru di Grand Mirage hotel. perjalanan yang seharusnya memakan waktu 40 menit pulang pergi menjadi 2 jam-an gara gara macet. Seumur umur hidup di bali , baru itu saya melihat macet yang sedemikian parah apalagi di jalan utama alias By Pass.
Awalnya saya pikir ada kecelakaan, apalagi kan banyak orang indonesia yang hobi nonton kecelakaan di jalan, dan membuat macet. Sesampainya di Mumbul setelah jimbaran barulah terlihat biang macet tersebut yaitu banjir. Air coklat menutupi jalan raya menuju Kuta bahkan sampai menutupi trotoar. Polisi lalu lintas terlihat dengan celana digulung sedengkl terlihat sangat sibuk dan beberapa orang nampak mendorong kendaraan mereka yang mati mesin.
Benar-benar jauh dari imej Bali sebagai kota tujuan wisata dunia, saya tiba-tiba merasa berada di kota lain, begitu takjubnya saya merekamnya lewat video cam di hape saya. Tetapi paling tidak saya melihat semua orang bisa bersikap sabar, bahkan saya sama sekali tidak mendengar suara klason yang menjerit jerit tidak sabaran atau suara umpatan dari orang orang yang aktivitasnya telah terganggu.
Ada yang salah. Keseimbangan alam jelas jelas sudah terganggu. Ada yang harus dibenahi dengan segera. Bali bukan pulau yang besar kalau semuanya membangun dengan membabi buta tanpa ada perhatian untuk kesenjangan alam sepertinya saya harus mulai menabung untuk membeli sebuat boat.!! just in case!
Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010
WiSH the Coming year Brings lOt of Happiness, Success, And L.O.V.E!!!!!
Find a better job.
Start Writing
Finishing Writing.
Get Closer with My Beloved Family.
Find Mr. Right. ^0^
Be a Better Person , Inside Out
Make God sees me
Tahun baru dirayakan dengan makan makan dan pesta dengan teman sekantor. offiacially sih kerja setengah hari doang, tapi prakteknya beberapa staff ticketing masih melayani beberapa tamu yang dengan cueknya masuk kekantor padahal pintu sudah diberi tanda CLOSE. Tapi saya tidak bisa bekerja dalam suasana keramaian dan hati yang riang menyambut tahun baru seperti itu maka sehari sebelumnya saya sudah menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan saya. Jadi untuk keesokan harinya,tanggal 31 Dec , otak saya fokus untuk bersenang senang saja.
Setelah makan siang bersama dengan ikan bakar yang durinya banyak banget, kita semua menuju keruangan depan untuk acara yang ditunggu-tunggu. Ada banyak doorprize dan grandprize yang akan diundi. Doorprizenya lumayan oke oke dari tahun kemaren seperti rafting untuk 10orang, voucher waterbom untuk 7 orang , beberapa voucher hotel, kompor gas dan banyak lagi souvenir dari sponsor hotel dan airline. Untuk grandprizenya lumayan bikin ngiler saya Tiket return Denpasar -S'pore dari Garuda dan Denpasar - Lombok dari merpati.
Satu persatu undian ditarik , dan emang saya orangnya ngarep banget hadiah grandprize malah cuma kebagian parcel mending satu parcel dibawa pulang sendiri, tapi ini mesti dibagi 10 orang. Alhasil saya berhak membawa sekotak chocolate cookies dan sebuah mug dari Mandala. Air.
Okelah kalo begitu!
Anyway, i was having fun, and everyone got the prize.
Happy New Year!!!!