Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

Tamu dari Nihon

beautiful gift from kawahara san , Arigatou gozaimasu neee ^__^
Yummy snacks and soap with rose fragrance , wraped in a stylish goodybag.

Two staff from our partner agent in Japan Ms Kawahara and Ms Sashikata just stopped by in my office. They are so friendly, smiling face and casual. It’s the second meeting between me and Kawahara san. Specially Kawahara san, we usually write email each other taking care of reservations as the part of our job. Both speak English fairly well though little bit in burst. Kawahara san said sorry about her poor English in email. Which I actually don’t bother though some time the wrong typing or word choice she made bloody confuses me. However most of all it’s quite understood unlike some other Japanese traveler I met before with their poor pronunciation with high speed you really really need an extreme concentration to know what they’re saying.

They stayed only a while. They need back to Risata Hotel to take rest after doing inspection to some hotels in Kuta.
Before leaving I thought Kawahara san said something about a gift. YAyyyyy!
It’s great I hope it’s not another sachet or small bag anymore because I have some already (given from some mates in another Japan agent and the other one from herself “a hello kitty bag” pity I am not Hello Kitty big fan.
She’s really kind and I promise to find a gift for her as well.

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